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Don McMillan
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61 (0)437 453 815

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National Engineers Register NER
Registered Professional Engineer QLD
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Don McMillan satisfies the qualifications and competencies set out in section 10 of the Professional Engineers Act 2002 [QLD].

Oil and Gas (CBM) Services for Australia

Home information unavailable.

Don has been successfully working in the oil, gas and coalbed methane industry for over 24 years.

Thank you for your presentation at the Convention Centre today. I think I can speak on behalf of all attendees and say that we thoroughly enjoyed the informative session!
Pulkit Gupta, Australian Equity Research, J.P Morgan

Don specialises in

  • Valuations – merges/acquisitions
  • the rejuvenation of marginal oil and gas fields,
  • coalbed methane projects,
    • field Development Studies
  • petroleum Engineering
    • fracture stimulation,
    • artificial lift design,
  • reservoir engineering,
    • reserve estimation
    • reserve auditing
    • simulation,
    • well testing
  • and the mentoring and training of engineers.
  • Runs CSG courses
    • Introduction to CSG
    • CSG Reservoir & Production Engineering
    • CSG Reserves
Don McMillan

Chartered Professional Engineer

  • FIEAust CPEng [Fellow]

National Professional Engineers Register Areas of practice:

  • Management
  • Petroleum

Registered Professional Engineer QLD

  • RPEQ No. 13987

Registered professional Engineer for APEC economies

  • APEC

EMF International Register for Professional Engineers

  • IntPE

Member of:
Australian Institute of Company Directors
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Engineers Australia
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
Australian Pipeline Industry Association
Queensland Petroleum Exploration Association

Engineers Australia, Chartered Professional Engineer Member